Small Intestine – Kidney Counterbalance – Core Features

Daniel: July 6, 2019, 5:30pm
I am spending some time really trying to ‘internalise’ within myself a cognition of the counterbalanced pairs. I
have in my notes from the St Louis class (online) that Small Intestine is characterised fundamentally by ‘dynamic
movement’ and Kidney is characterised fundamentally by ‘consolidation’ . Can someone help me flesh this out?
Examples perhaps of famous people that exemplify these two poles? Other signs and symptoms, or synonyms that
help me develop a real sense of this contrast between dynamic movement and consolidation?

KristinWisgirda: July 8, 2019, 1:25am
With SI and K, both are a mix of fire and water, so each can be considered when there is a mix of hot and cold in
the presentation.
Small Intestine is characterised fundamentally by ‘dynamic movement’ and Kidney is characterised
fundamentally by ‘consolidation’ .
Many famous people are going to be Kidney excess types- especially the Hollywood types- beautiful, symmetrical
people with wonderful strong bone structure. Great fertility, they get pregnant easily and are very interested in
reproducing their fabulous selves. They are so into themselves that they really enjoy being in the public eye. They
are so consolidated that they are going to tend to have blood stasis- varicosities, hard lumps in the abdomen,
painful, clotty periods. They also have such awesome constitutions that they can weather challenges gracefully that
would be major setbacks for less hearty folk. One Kidney excess patient was feeling a little winded when climbing
a mountain. A chest xray showed a collapsed lung. Another Kidney excess patient worked for days with a broken
leg without getting it set. When he got it set and casted, the cast soon broken because he was back working his
construction job-business as usual.
I can’t think of a famous SI excess person- maybe Steve Buscemi, though he tends to be the poster boy for
Stomach excess because of the characters he plays (skinny, greasy guys who are always hustling because they can’t
get a break). Poor facial symmetry, less hearty bone structure, poor fertility, poor self esteem to the point of being
suicidal when extreme. No signs of blood stasis (no lumps, perfectly regular painless periods with smooth flow)
That is more of a constitutional outline. There are indications for treating Si and K that don’t require the
constitutional indications.
Consider supplementing SI, as long as the Kidney is ok, for
-substantial blood stasis anywhere
-for pain
-for dizziness, for itching. Toby explains that supplementing SI helps windy conditions by regulating the blood
with the blood moving function along with a very mild blood supplementing action. For this reason it is also used30/01/2024, 13:49Small Intestine – Kidney Counterbalance – Core Features – Sa’am Clinical Insights – Qiological Community
in recovery from substantial blood loss along with Liver + which more directly supplements blood.
-in women who are small boned, thin and dizzy. This is a gem from Toby’s teacher.
Consider supplementing Kidney in patients who are having problems sustaining their life- utterly depleted by
disease or medical treatments- look for a sunken face and sunken eyes, suicidal, major leakages such as
menorrhagia. Consider K+ in people who have had developmental delays or who look very young for their age
because of developmental problems or stunted growth due to childhood disease.
The medial heel in the area of K4/5/6 will be dry, cracked and withered when Kidney needs to be supplemented.
Abundant Kidney makes this area plump and smooth.
That’s all I have for the moment. May or may not be comprehensive but hope it helps.

Vertigo poss brought on by PC+? (help!)

Daniel: July 8, 2019, 10:13am
Thanks Kristin – that helps a lot! aldkjfaldkjlskdjlksdjlkdsajlkjdlkj

Jeffrey: August 17, 2019, 12:02am
I concur! Thanks for your pearls of wisdom. You can be sure they will be held dear and put to good use:pray:
Kind regards,


haunani: August 18, 2019, 9:55am
Amazing. Thank you! You helped me really understand SI a little better. I have been hesitant to use SI in someone
who runs more hot but has pain that doesn’t get lasting results with other treatments. I was worried the heat of SI
would be too much heat for an already hot person.

michaelmax: August 24, 2019, 4:21am
I find the SI to be pretty balanced temperature-wise. You have the Fire of being the Fu of the Heart, but you have
icy cold of being Taiyang. All in all, pretty neutral in temperate.30/01/2024, 13:49Small Intestine – Kidney Counterbalance – Core Features – Sa’am Clinical Insights – Qiological Community