rappeports: November 18, 2019, 1:07pm
Because it’s inappropriate to use KI every week for fertility patients, I’ve been experimenting with using different
channels for different times during the menstrual cycle with my fertility patients and it seems to be working well.
i.e. Pregnancy! Of course, if something is louder in the room, I do that, but otherwise, just before menses, if I’m
90% sure they’re not pregnant, I use SI to move the blood. After menses, to build the blood, I use LV. Then I use
KI for two weeks. If she is having difficulty with ovulation, I would use SI before ovulation and then Ki the
following week. For patients who get pregnant, with a history of frequent miscarriages and no morning sickness, I
would continue to use Kidney. But what about with morning sickness? I’ve been resorting to non-Saam methods
because I’m afraid Stomach is too descending and Lu is too ascending. Any thoughts?
KristinWisgirda: November 19, 2019, 6:40pm
Great that your patients have been having success!
if something is louder in the room, I do that,
Some of my fertility patients have had notable improvements in their cycles and eventual fertility success without
any K+ or Liv+ treatments. Though guidelines can be helpful, it is important to look at the patient fresh each time
and watch the reaction. As we get into the darker days of the year, I’ve had a couple of SJ excess/blood xu patients
not respond well to Liver + but melt into the table with SJ+. Now at every visit I make conversation to find out
how patients are reacting to the short days, any history of winter blues, etc.
Given what you have shared, I’ll point out where they differ from the principles of practice Toby has set out.
just before menses, if I’m 90% sure they’re not pregnant, I use SI to move the blood.
Given that Toby strongly speaks against SI during pregnancy, except in the last weeks, I would want to be 100%
sure of no pregnancy before using SI+ before menses.
For patients who get pregnant, with a history of frequent miscarriages and no morning sickness, I would
continue to use Kidney.29/01/2024, 12:04Saam for fertility – Sa’am Clinical Insights – Qiological Community
Toby strongly advises against supplementing the same channel more than twice in a row. In extreme cases he might
do 3 times. There is always more going on than one channel pair imbalance, sho it shouldn’t be hard to find
something to treat every 3rd treatment.
The other thing about fertility patients: being strongly driven to reproduce yourself is a sign of Kidney excess. I
have a couple of strongly symmetrical patients with low ovarian reserve who are willing to ANYTHING to have
their own child. With this mix of K/SI excess, I toggle between the 2.
Kidney. But what about with morning sickness? I’ve been resorting to non-Saam methods because I’m afraid
Stomach is too descending and Lu is too ascending.
Though Toby does caution against using St+ too much in pregnancy, he highly recommends using ST+ for morning
sickness. This is what I have used with good results so far. I am on the lookout for other pathologies, eg internal
dryness, after studying with Sharon Weizenbaum.
adambroder: November 21, 2019, 10:54pm
How would we consider the symptom of PCOS in Sa’am? Would this be KI excess (consolidation) or LU/SP
excess (internal damp)? I’m guessing the answer might just be, depends… But looking for some guidance as I
don’t treat female reproductive issues much and I may have a PCOS patient soon.
KristinWisgirda: November 22, 2019, 12:40am
PCOS patients present over a wide spectrum, include very lean and heavy body types.
Then you have patients who tell you that they have PCOS but really just have cysts and none of the metabolic
issues. You have to ask them how they were diagnosed.
mariayung: December 12, 2020, 10:25pm
What is the idea behind Toby’s caution against too much ST+ in pregnancy?
KristinWisgirda #6December 13, 2020, 1:24pm29/01/2024, 12:04Saam for fertility – Sa’am Clinical Insights – Qiological Community
St+ is descending which babies don’t want to much of.
It is also drying internally which babies don’t want too much of.
That said, it is commonly effective for nausea and vomiting. I still use it cautiously.
Daniel: December 14, 2020, 7:16pm
The most important thing always is to attend to the patient in front of you and not to some theoretical
understanding of the phases of their cycle of what ‘should’ be best for ‘fertility’. I had a very wonderful fertility
case earlier this year – had been trying to get pregnant for over a year without success – we did five sessions – and
she got pregnant . . . and there was NO Kidney or Small Intestine supplementation at all . . . her first treatment was
HT+ . . . . . followed by two ST+ treatments . . . . followed by a LIV+ and a GB + treatment . . . each time
attending completely to her real-time picture and personal history. She responded week to week exceptionally well
and became pregnant.
KristinWisgirda: December 14, 2020, 8:39pm
I’ve had a number of similar cases. Most notable are 2 women who came to me on IVF embryo transfer day only,
just one treatment for each of them. Both had very long histories of infertility and fertility interventions with no
pregnancies. Both were VERY Sp excess and received LI+. Both got pregnant with twins from those cycles. I
know I can’t give Sa’am all the credit but since acupuncture was the only new addition to their treatment those
cycles, the experience supports Daniel’s statement:
The most important thing always is to attend to the patient in front of you and not to some theoretical
understanding of the phases of their cycle of what ‘should’ be best for ‘fertility’.