Lesson in HT excess

amyjenner: June 3, 2019, 12:56am
Lesson in HT excess.
25 year old woman, medium build, attractive and symmetrical. Main complaint is anxiety dt ptsd after being a
victim of the Boston Marathon bombing. She had relatively minor physical injuries which have healed, but she has
constant anxiety. It feel like a shaken bottle of fizzy water in her chest. She feels as if something in her wont allow
her to connect with the bright and exciting parts of life. Has night mares regularly as reported by her boyfriend, but
she doesn’t remember them. Feels like she is living behind a smokey curtain. Communication with others can feel
overwhelming and demanding so email and text messages cause anxiety. Fear of bad people, crowded places, the
subway (she lives in NYC). Can get angry easily out of proportion to what is going on. Feels irrational at times. In
the intake, I have a question about what makes the condition better or worse. In the better section, she wrote her
head only clears if she jumps in the cold ocean though running helps. Worse: stress, gray days, email and the
I decided to try PC because of the anxiety, and insomnia, but the cold water thing caught my eye. I put in the
needles and nothing happened. I took them out and decided to put in UB because she said her chest felt like the
shaken fizzy water ie pressure and movement as well as her blatant statement that plunging in frigid ocean water
helps. It was totally magic. She was completely gone for 30 min and when she came back, she was free of anxiety
for the 1st time since the bombing. I never really thought about emotional shock and trauma causing a HT excess
but it totally makes sense that the energy of the trauma could get lodged in the void of the heart. In 5 element
acupuncture there is a protocol that uses a point between ren 14 and 15 with ST25, 32, and 41 all dispersed to do a
similar thing but it is via the stomach. This was so direct. Very cool.

KristinWisgirda: June 3, 2019, 2:52pm
Thank you so much for sharing this interesting case.
something in her wont allow her to connect with the bright and exciting parts of life.
Worse: stress, gray days,
Are pointers that might lead me to want to bring more light and warmth to her.
Was there anything else beside the relief from frigid water that pointed you to diagnosis Heart excess? Does she
run hot, was she really talkative or did she talk about other people in a super loving way? Toby talks about Heart30/01/2024, 13:52Lesson in HT excess – Sa’am Clinical Insights – Qiological Community
excess being a hyperfunctioning compared to the hypofunctioning of UB excess. Did this patient come across as
This case has gotten me thinking about the virtues of UB. I typically think of Kidney when there is a need for a
consolidation of self, but now am wondering if the ice cold of UB eased this patient’s anxiety by a similar kind of
consolidating and centering that needed to be straight up cold, rather than the mix of fire and water that Kidney
Totally fascinating and beautiful!

amyjenner: June 5, 2019, 12:19am
I was thinking about the insomnia and nightmares as heat. She is hot at night and her tongue is red with a bit of
darkness to it. Emotionally she feels a simmering anger all the time. All seemed like heat to me.
I saw her again today. She said she feels really good. the anxiety comes and goes where as before it was always
present. The pressure shaken fizzy water feeling in the chest is gone. She is having dreams that are simple and
mundane not nightmares. she feels more able to connected to exciting/good things where as before she said that the
haze would be like a fog rolling in. I decided to do +SJ today during which she fell asleep and awoke saying it felt
like the fog had lifted. All very cool. She lives in NYC and has decided to get back up to Maine once a month for
treatment so that will be fun to see how it unfolds.

KristinWisgirda: June 5, 2019, 12:29pm
The heat at night and red tongue help fill out the picture explaining why UB+ was so helpful. It sounds like the
agitation was a bigger issue than the disconnect/fog.
Thanks again for sharing this case.30/01/2024, 13:52Lesson in HT excess – Sa’am Clinical Insights – Qiological Community

michaelmax: June 7, 2019, 1:39pm
Thanks @amyjenner for a thoughtful and though-provoking case.
I think these kinds of situations show up all the time. It’s not straightforward. And while we try to apply our
metrics and theories (which often work splendidly) there are cases where something is needs a nudge in a peculiar
way. I suspect that these seemingly random things like… I feel better when I jump in cold water. Can give us a
It might not be where they are in general, but it is something that holds where they are right now.
Thanks so much for sharing this with us and like @KristinWisgirda said, please do keep us posted.

Jeffrey: August 17, 2019, 12:58am
Great Case Amy. I appreciate your reasoning as well as your ability to change in midstream. thank you Kristen for
your logical follow up/reasoning.And to you to MM
Thanks all