I feel so heavy!

KristinWisgirda: July 25, 2019, 10:47pm
I treated a 4 year old boy today for behavior issues related to reactivity that have gotten him kicked out of 3
preschools. Whiny, uncooperative, with some physical acting out. Sensitive to noise. Random episodes of vibrating
legs when he is at rest, 5 minutes at a time.
Demeanor: more interested in playing and exploring than talking to an old lady but attentive and responsive when
off the table with good eye contact, squirmy on the table but quieter when he was given a book and read a story to
Body: huge for his age, looks like he is 7, healthy weight but solid
Temperature: warm to touch on a hot day; mom reports that he might be a little sensitive to heat
Skin- good moisture; mom says his sweat is normal
GI, urination, sleep: normal
Diagnosis: Gb excess
I treated him with a teishin: P+. When I touched Liver 1, he reported that he felt something in his pee-pee.
His grandmother communicated that after the treatment, at home, he screamed I feel so heavy! and then rolled
around on the floor for a minute. He was easily comforted to know that feeling heavier was part of feeling better
and that it would start feeling good to him.
This was my first time treating someone so young with Saam.

Alvaro: July 26, 2019, 2:27am
That s great! Thank you for sharing this case. Looking forward to hear how his behavior improves. What kind of
Teishin do you use? I have never used them before

KristinWisgirda: July 29, 2019, 2:41pm
His grandma followed up a little late: The 4 year old fessed up about the cause of his scream- he fell off something
he wasn t supposed to be climbing on. It is still interesting that he said he felt heavy post treatment and that reading
was so settling for him.30/01/2024, 13:54I feel so heavy! – Sa’am Clinical Insights – Qiological Community