Exemplary Differentiations . .

Daniel: June 25, 2020, 5:55pm
I’d like to have this thread compile particularly excellent, exemplary, insightful and concise Sa’Am differentiations
people have found in clinic . . . . .
To start it off, here is one from my current case load . . .
1. Highly sensitive to the emotional condition of friends and family around me. But not strangers and also likes
a room dimly lit, leading one to think about shielding, San Jiao excess and possible Liver supplementation
2. But – works at a Starbucks which is a notoriously frenetic workplace and not only does not find that
overhwelming, but rather, finds it very stimulating
Conclusion (of course always tentative): not a shielding issue so much (given both the conflict between 1 and 2
in that regard as well as the specificity of the sensitivity to close people (friends and family) but much more of a
Heart Excess issue . . . excessive love of others which would make BOTH 1 and 2 make sense.
Evidence: UB supplementation was a very powerful treatment with resolution of all complaints for several days.

KristinWisgirda: June 25, 2020, 6:48pm
I love it- though not because I am Heart excess.
This reminds me of wanting to start a similarly themed thread.

KristinWisgirda: June 26, 2020, 1:26pm
May 1 and 2 are not in such conflict. Thinking more on the above case reminded me that many Sj excess folks
excel in customer service because they can see what is needed. I remember enjoying the adrenaline high of
working in a very busy bakery where my SJ excess powers combined with a love of efficiency made the frenzy a
fun game. I liked excelling at the job and feeling in control of the chaos. It helped that I liked my coworkers but
even then I was more a UB excess.
I can’t argue with UB+ working miracles but it is always helpful to be open to a number of possibilities.

Daniel: June 26, 2020, 9:21pm
excellent points! Going down the rabbit hole of nuanced understanding!!!30/01/2024, 11:35Exemplary Differentiations . . – Sa’am Clinical Insights – Qiological Community
https://forum.qiological.com/t/exemplary-differentiations/1107/print2/2I’d like to have this thread compile particularly excellent, exemplary, insightful and concise Sa’Am differentiations
people have found in clinic . . . . .
To start it off, here is one from my current case load . . .
1. Highly sensitive to the emotional condition of friends and family around me. But not strangers and also likes
a room dimly lit, leading one to think about shielding, San Jiao excess and possible Liver supplementation
2. But – works at a Starbucks which is a notoriously frenetic workplace and not only does not find that
overhwelming, but rather, finds it very stimulating
Conclusion (of course always tentative): not a shielding issue so much (given both the conflict between 1 and 2
in that regard as well as the specificity of the sensitivity to close people (friends and family) but much more of a
Heart Excess issue . . . excessive love of others which would make BOTH 1 and 2 make sense.
Evidence: UB supplementation was a very powerful treatment with resolution of all complaints for several days.

KristinWisgirda: June 25, 2020, 6:48pm
I love it- though not because I am Heart excess.
This reminds me of wanting to start a similarly themed thread.

KristinWisgirda: June 26, 2020, 1:26pm
May 1 and 2 are not in such conflict. Thinking more on the above case reminded me that many Sj excess folks
excel in customer service because they can see what is needed. I remember enjoying the adrenaline high of
working in a very busy bakery where my SJ excess powers combined with a love of efficiency made the frenzy a
fun game. I liked excelling at the job and feeling in control of the chaos. It helped that I liked my coworkers but
even then I was more a UB excess.
I can’t argue with UB+ working miracles but it is always helpful to be open to a number of possibilities.

Daniel: June 26, 2020, 9:21pm
excellent points! Going down the rabbit hole of nuanced understanding!!!30/01/2024, 11:35Exemplary Differentiations . . – Sa’am Clinical Insights – Qiological Community