Daniel: September 21, 2019, 12:34am
In the spirit of the inextricable two sides of the coin . . . . . if Kidney Excess is exemplified by heels with no cracks,
is it then legit to say that highly cracked heels exemplify a Small Intestine Excess / Kidney Deficiency scenario in
Sa’Am? (I note that in the case of the thenar eminence, both sides of the coin were made explicit . . . i.e. inflated
and firm Lung 10 – Lung Excess / deflated and vacuous Lung 10 – Stomach Excess . . . yet in the case of cracks /
no cracks on the heels . . . only the Kidney Excess side of the coin is being made explicit . . . which leads me to
wonder if there is a reason for this or if its just a benign blank to be obviously filled in as I have done above?)
Daniel #2September 21, 2019, 1:06pm
I was contemplating this question last night and it occurred to me that possibly, the explicit mention of non-cracked
heels for one side of the Kidney-Small Intestine ‘coin’ with no mention of the other side is perhaps an intentional
pedagogic tool designed to really emphasise the ‘body perfection’ of the Kidney Excess manifestation.
KristinWisgirda: September 22, 2019, 5:55pm
or if its just a benign blank to be obviously filled in as I have done above?)
The benign blank is right. There are only so many minutes in the intro course!
In another thread, I mentioned a case of very deflated thenars was a reflection of a history of 2 badly broken
thumbs, not St excess.
Makes me think that the heels could be a “broken mirror” if they were traumatized too. It might not hurt to ask
especially if their condition has a big weight in your diagnostic process.
Daniel: September 22, 2019, 7:02pm
“very deflated thenars was a reflection of a history of 2 badly broken thumbs, not St excess” . . . . well . . . . . . . I
am coming to a clinical conclusion over time that our current cause-and-effect perspectives are problematic in
themselves and there is, at the very least, just as much validity to a very different perspective that would have
‘injuries’ as not primary but reflective of dispositions and predispositions. Even MORE so when the case is
bilateral! Two badly broken thumbs – from where I am coming here – is not necessarily a life event in and of itself -30/01/2024, 13:37Cracked Heels and the Two Sides of the Coin – Sa’am Clinical Insights – Qiological Community
I would suggest it is quite possible and even quite likely that Lung Deficiency (Stomach Excess) predisposed that
patient to ‘two badly broken thumbs’.
KristinWisgirda: September 22, 2019, 8:02pm
I would suggest it is quite possible and even quite likely that Lung Deficiency (Stomach Excess) predisposed
that patient to ‘two badly broken thumbs’.
That is similar to my initial thoughts. Shouldn’t a robust Lung system be able to recover from the trauma and
normalize the tissues? BUT the patient has many more signs of Lung excess and responds so, so well to ST+
Daniel: September 22, 2019, 10:22pm
Maybe there are dynamic aspects of and within the counterbalanced pairs – in this case – Lung/Stomach – that are
not so straightforward. I guess I’d rephrase my suggestion along the lines of ‘her process within the Lung-Stomach
axis predisposed her to two badly broken thumbs’ It just seems to be quite likely – this sort of thing. I had a patient
recently who had dropped a large and full can of chickpeas on his second toe (not his first or third or fourth or
fifth) – breaking the toe – it became infected and he wound up in the hospital for two weeks with sepsis and near
death!! On questioning, turned out as a newborn he had some serious stomach ailment that had him in the hospital
for months and near death! The more I look, the more I see these things – threads running through lives. (which
begets deep questions about ‘cause and effect’). And a corollary is – if we don’t look, we just don’t see these things.
adambroder: September 27, 2019, 4:32pm
Interesting…how do the deflated thenars respond to ST+?
KristinWisgirda: September 28, 2019, 9:13pm
The deflate thenars did not respond to supplementing Stomach which isn’t a surprise because they weren’t
indicating Stomach excess in this case.
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