Daniel: February 22, 2020, 3:14am
A mother brought two of her daughters to my clinic today – one 10 and one 13.
I realised with the second treatment in place that I had moved one towards librarianship (PC supplementation) and
her sister toward Tyson-ship (GB supplementation) . . . . each was evaluated independantly without the other in
mind but the result was a rather elegantly symmetrical family treatment – I wonder if the home environment will be
more harmonious this week.
michaelmax: February 22, 2020, 4:23am
It’s a good question @Daniel and something to check in on when you see them next. Indeed curious to see how
mom things the week went.
I’m glad you point this out. Because it has me thinking about how couples or other parents and children fit
together. And could see as having a “family role” that pushes them toward an imbalance that for the larger system
actually helps to create more balance.
Hummm… Saam family dynamics? Something to watch for.
Daniel: February 22, 2020, 4:34pm
yeah, that would be a FASCINATING topic and as i understand it, very much aligned with traditional chinese
philosophy (family harmony – even the metaphors of the 5 phase dynamic framework!). would be a fascinating
clinical research project over a few years – to specialise in ‘treating families’ and to document over hundreds of
cases what kind of dynamics emerge.
I have two treatment rooms and I often have couples come in simultaneously and I cannot tell you how often
(much more often than not) – even though the two are coming for different symptoms – the patterns I end up
treating (either through Kiiko palpation style or through Sa’Am) are identical!! Its truly fascinating.
In this case, the two sisters completely complemented each other – the younger one was truly a Tyson – you could
see it the minute you looked at her – ready for a fight from head to toe (she was coming to me for a patch of
alopecia that showed up on her crown just behind GV 20) – the older one was very much the opposite – quiet,
thoughtful, book reading type (she was coming in for a respiratory tension that worsened always in small, confined,
stuffy spaces – I’ve had several patients whose symptoms are better in open spaces with air movement and worse in
small stuffy confined spaces and in every case, that has proven to be a GB deficiency sign).30/01/2024, 11:46Counterbalancing Sisters – Sa’am Clinical Insights – Qiological Community
michaelmax: February 22, 2020, 10:10pm
It’s so interesting to me how this perspective can capture not just clinical reality, but social and familiar dynamics
as well.