Daniel: January 6, 2020, 9:29pm
Today, a 54 year old woman I have seen for the occasional treatment now and then over the years came in for a
treatment. Her main complaint was recent Left Knee pain. She is self-employed. There is much about her story that
expresses in the Kidney-Small Intestine pair (symmetry and self-love matters). But what appeared today was a
fascinating reflection Sa’Am would predict in relation to her recent intense engagement of choice in life. She has
run her own business for two decades. And while she has done well, she recently decided, ‘not well enough’; that
she never had any ‘extra money accumulated’ and she needed to do something dramatic to raise her income. Last
November (2 months ago), she attended one of those power events with Tony Robbins in Miami – five day event
that totally pumped her up and inspired her to make some quite dramatic ventures into marketing and promoting
her business (already with results)! And wham . . . . as we might predict, that Lung-Stomach counterbalance pair
(and its relationship to ease versus effort vis a vis resources / wealth / money, expressed itself in short order . . . . . a
very bad bout of respiratory flu and knee pain. Crazy, huh?
KristinWisgirda: January 7, 2020, 12:48am
The icing on the cake would be if the knee pain presented on the right… But an interesting show nonetheless.
Clinic can be like story-time on some days, with Saam and the classics giving us a preview of how it will go for
our patients.
Daniel: January 7, 2020, 1:08am
LOL – yeah, I know, just imagine if it was on the right!!! Nevertheless, I’ll take the cake without icing and just
marvel at that did present. ACTUALLY she did say to me that she much more normally has right sided knee pain (a
more chronic issue) and this episode was uncharacteristically on the left knee. So . . . maybe some icing.