michaelmax: April 5, 2019, 4:13pm
I had a patient come in today ask about treating her mild-moderate case of trigger finger.
Here’s what I’ve learned about treating trigger finger… not much.
It’s one of those things that I’ve been reliably unsuccessful at getting positive results on.
If you are happy to see patients come in with trigger finger because you’re good a treating it. I’d love some
dcantor: April 8, 2019, 5:58pm
Hi Michael! This isn’t a Sa’am treatment, but I’ve had great success resolving trigger finger, even a pretty severe
case, by needling bound-up areas of tissue/trigger points along the flexor digitorum and other forearm flexor
muscles. Also gua sha on the palm of the hand and anterior forearm…
michaelmax: April 8, 2019, 6:18pm
Hi @dcantor
While we do have categories here specifically for Saam, in time this discussion forum will be for anything that has
been on Qiological.
Like this troublesome question I had.
Thanks for the suggestion. I have a patient I can try this with05/01/2024, 11:56Why can’t I get acupuncture to help this? – Bothersome Clinical Problems – Qiological Community
ngmatthews: October 4, 2021, 5:15pm
I have not had good experiences treating trigger finger. These often develop in people who have high blood sugar
or insulin resistance generally. A lot of my patients do not like the strong local needling into the palm of the hand,
so I’ve stopped doing much of it. I think these patients really need to get their blood sugars under control and
optimize their health in every way possible, such as losing weight, in order for the acupuncture to work well. I also
think that using things like strong liniments with strong massage-type techniques can be helpful. But the best
results that I’ve seen are from the simple surgery that can release the finger. Sorry.
michaelmax: April 24, 2019, 10:38pm
I have not had good experiences treating trigger finger. These often develop in people who have high blood
sugar or insulin resistance generally.
@ngmatthews this is interesting. Most of the people that I’ve seen this in are not dealing with blood sugar issues.
With the exception of one. At least without going through my clinical notes.
More often I seen this with people that are kind of kind and blood deficient.
Alvaro: June 16, 2019, 7:15pm
Hi Michael,
I have a patient who is a male hair stylist in his 50’s and has trigger finger on his right hand. I haven’t tried Saam
on this patient as I just recently started learning the Saam system. This patient sees me about once every 3 weeks to
work on his hand. I basically relax (drain) shortened middle finger flexors and activate (supplement) middle finger
extensors. He had tried massage with no change, but responded very well to local acupuncture. I do make sure to
guasha both anterior and posterior forearm muscles right after the needles are out. In the last couple of treatments
though, I have mostly focused on finger extensors and he still had very good results.
Hope that helps 05/01/2024, 11:56Why can’t I get acupuncture to help this? – Bothersome Clinical Problems – Qiological Community
ngmatthews: October 4, 2021, 5:15pm
From a channel perspective it sounds like Pericardium excess and SJ deficiency. So you would tonify SJ on the
opposite side of the body.
allyson_nevard: November 5, 2019, 5:23pm
Did you ever find something to work for this patient? I had a patient with trigger finger (R side thumb and middle
finger) that I could not successfully treat. She is very thin, dry and hot. She seems stressed and busy (work and
kids) but with plenty of resources. She has a lot of difficulty sleeping. She also had L medial epicondylitis. I tried,
SP+, BL+, PC+, LV+ and probably more, always on the left. BL always cools her in a wonderful way. One time
she came in with her hand in a lot of pain and PC+ immediately relieved it but it lasted for only a few hours. Then
PC+ never worked again. Sometimes treatments would help but never in a lasting way. I was definitely using
needles that were too thin and wonder if that was the problem.
Jeffrey: November 5, 2019, 6:27pm
@michaelmax Bleed Lu5 w a bleeding needle, not a lancet.( looks like a mini harpoon)
sorry, not samm
KristinWisgirda: November 5, 2019, 6:34pm
Toby has admitted that finger issues aren’t his specialty.
Jeffrey #11November 6, 2019, 3:26pm
@michaelmax05/01/2024, 11:56Why can’t I get acupuncture to help this? – Bothersome Clinical Problems – Qiological Community
also 11.27 wuhu 1&2 can do the trick (2 needles)
michaelmax: November 7, 2019, 1:41am
Dang @Jeffrey
That is one badass needle. Looks great for bleeding. (not that we do that with Saam)
Taran: November 18, 2019, 1:02pm
@Jeffrey That’s awesome! Where do you get those bleeding needles?05/01/2024, 11:56Why can’t I get acupuncture to help this? – Bothersome Clinical Problems – Qiological Community
Jeffrey #14November 18, 2019, 2:54pm
Taibei or Beijing…, I think Beijing, want some?
Taran: November 18, 2019, 3:14pm
@Jeffrey I would love some! My email is .
rappeports #16February 3, 2020, 9:14pm
Any chance you can get more of those bleeding needles? I just read this thread and I
have a tendency to get trigger fingers so would love to try it. Thumbs were the worst. About a year ago started in
my left pinky but I’ve just ignored it as it’s SOO much less troublesome than my thumbs were. Treatment helped
the non-dominant side but my right thumb didn’t respond to anything and I regretfully got a cortisone shot
eventually which finally worked.
KristinWisgirda: February 3, 2020, 10:18pm
Hi Jeffrey,
Are you familiar with the hollow bleeding needles sold by Golden Needle and Acurea?
If so, are they comparable in function to your special bleeding needle?
Jeffrey: October 1, 2021, 4:18pm
Sorry folks,
Late response to your questions, the answer is ,I don’t know I’m not familiar with the ones sold by golden
needle. As for the availability of these, I may be able to get some. I would have to investigate05/01/2024, 11:56Why can’t I get acupuncture to help this? – Bothersome Clinical Problems – Qiological Community
Text me @ 508-237-3949 if wanting me to try and get more