Treating Irritable Bowel, bloating w/Sa’am

George_Mandler: February 23, 2021, 2:15pm
Riffing off of Sarah’s current bloating patient, one chief complaint I have difficulty treating with just Sa’am is
irritable bowel/bloating – in particular bloating below the navel. I have had successes for sure but it typically
involved diet changes, lifestyle changes (i.e. chewing food, not eating rushed), and CHM.
My experience is that since Sa’am there are so many complaints I can treat with only needles whereas PS (Pre-
Sa’am) I would need other modalities such as CHM, Tuina, cupping, electro etc.
Treating bloating especially people that have it below the navel, alternating constipation/loose because they are on
Mirilax, Mg, etc I find a challenge. Especially those young 30/40-something women that seem so darn healthy
otherwise. They eat well, exercise etc and have no clear deficient or excess channels.
What are other’s experience? Any case studies where you only employed Sa’am or maybe Sa’am with some minor
diet tweaks?

Daniel: February 23, 2021, 3:29pm
I had one of those ‘young otherwise darn healthy women’ just last week whose main complaint was intense
bloating (“I haven’t been able to wear jeans in a few years now”) . . . a lot of signs and symptoms pointed to KI
XS. I did a SI+ treatment and by the end of the session, with tremendous joy, she reported her belly shrinking in
circumference by what felt to her like a good inch.

Shanlarson: February 23, 2021, 8:12pm
I agree bloating in the lower abdomen can be super tricky. I have one patient who I have right now that responds so
well to SAAM and so many things have resolved except the lower abd bloating.
The one time I had the best result with patient with bloating was with BL+. She had heavy bleeding and was super
chatty with a rapid pulse and lots of heat signs. I was thinking all about her bleeding at the time but the minute I
put in BL+ she immediately felt like the bloating was easing. It was significant. I could see it by the end of the
treatment. I think in those situations I turn to Sharon’s advice. How would I treat them if I didn’t know they had
bloating. I also find Kristin’s advice from a while back to consider all the channels that run over the abdomen. I
have found that helpful.

George_Mandler: February 24, 2021, 12:01am

05/01/2024, 12:02Treating Irritable Bowel, bloating w/Sa’am – Bothersome Clinical Problems – Qiological Community
@Daniel. Let us know if it held. I find it toughest with thinner women that get the diagnosis du jour of SIBO.

George_Mandler: February 24, 2021, 12:17am
I put in BL+ she immediately felt like the bloating was easing.
Did it hold where she progressively got better.
I think in those situations I turn to Sharon’s advice. How would I treat them if I didn’t know they had bloating
Agreed for sure, the GMP has given way more clinical awareness than just herbs… what Kristin said way back
“what is the grossest thing in the room”. Then sometimes nothing jumps out and it gets more difficult.

Shanlarson: February 24, 2021, 1:45am
Funny she just came in to see me today. She hasn’t had the bloating for a long time but it just recently came back
however I don’t want to toot my own horn here. She had terrible endometriosis and had surgery scheduled for
about 2 weeks after I saw her for that treatment. She credits the long stint without bloating on the surgery but she
also does remember how much the bloating went down at that treatment. She recently has been coming in for
insomnia and is very SJ, GB and HT XS. I just did PC+ for her first tx back and did LIV + today. I am considering
BL+ at her next treatment so I’ll tell you how it goes.

Daniel: February 24, 2021, 10:56am
interesting – the case I mention above – also has endometriosis

George_Mandler: February 24, 2021, 12:50pm
There are some that say this bloating/digestive issues that we are discussing called the catch all phrase IBS can
often be endometriosis. From a Sa’am perspective I am not sure it matters to us as we go by what we see/feel/hear.
But it is good to be aware about the connection.05/01/2024, 12:02Treating Irritable Bowel, bloating w/Sa’am – Bothersome Clinical Problems – Qiological Community
Here is a good article discussing the more severe pelvic pain which is not necessarily present in what we might see.
But still helpful IMO.
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