KristinWisgirda: January 15, 2021, 9:15pm
Toby’s teacher emphasized absorbing the feeling of environmental landscapes to learn the archetypes. I was just
reminded that forests buffer temperature extremes, slowing both freezing and spikes in temperature. SJ excess is
characterized by sudden changes in temperature and a reduced ability to regulate temperatures.
Toby talks about Liver+ as being only slightly moistening. This makes sense in that the shade of trees slows
evaporation, protecting moisture that is already there, but not really adding additional moisture.
Dense, heavy, dark, inner, cool.
Daniel: January 15, 2021, 11:14pm
Kristin – when you type Liver+ here are you referring to Liver supplementation? Or Liver Excess? In this context .
. .
On the Liver side – I think we know what ‘healthy forest’ is like.
But how does Liver Excess relate to a forest?
What does an ‘Excess Forest’ Look like??
and on the SJ side – what is healthy SJ? versus Excess SJ?
are we talking about coming out of the forest into a meadow of light, willowy grasses blowing in the sunshine or
getting pummeled by the rain or buried in the snow?
sweiz: January 16, 2021, 2:07pm
Thanks Kristin,
I am also aware of another sense of the protective aspect of the forest in the winter. I ride in the winter and like to
be in the forest more than open places because the forest catches wind. Even if the wind is blowing quite strongly,
the forest is much more still and therefore keeps me warmer.
Since the days are short, I am often in the forest as dark is descending. Sometimes I cut it a bit too close and it is
really getting dark. I can feel the relief when I leave the woods and come out onto the road and it’s not so dark. It’s
like the liver gets a bit excess for my liking and coming out onto the road gives a bit of SJ light to the situation!
KristinWisgirda: January 16, 2021, 5:04pm
Daniel:09/01/2024, 12:18What happens in the forest? – Qiological Community
when you type Liver+ here are you referring to Liver supplementation? Or Liver Excess?
The qualities of Saam Liver that we access with a Liver+ treatment have the same nature as Liver excess. Liver
excess reflects how these qualities manifest in a system relative to Sj qualities.
But how does Liver Excess relate to a forest?
Liver is yin jueyin wood. In the forest, it is all of the woody trunks stems and branches. Whether this wood is
upright/downed, living/dead depends on its relationship to the rest of the ecology.
Thanks @sweiz for your experience of wind and light in the woods.
Besides the shade of the canopy and trunks slowing evaporation, they also slow rainfall from reaching the ground.
Could the density of Liver excess similarly impact a system with Stomach excess? These kinds of relationships are
worth noting and exploring.
Daniel: January 16, 2021, 6:21pm
I can feel the relief when I leave the woods and come out onto the road and it’s not so dark. It’s like the liver
gets a bit excess for my liking and coming out onto the road gives a bit of SJ light to the situation
Totally know that feeling Sharon! I’ve even gotten to the point of a panicky edge with that.09/01/2024, 12:18What happens in the forest? – Qiological Community
cassiopeia: January 20, 2021, 3:03am
Could the density of Liver excess similarly impact a system with Stomach excess?
ooo that is an interesting thing to think about.
I also think of LV+ beyond the forest quality, and think about a single tree – huge dense solid strong. I had a patient
whose main complaint was that she felt wimpy – sort of like being physically weak, though not quite. I couldn’t get
her to describe it better – she wasn’t a particularly good reporter. I went through all the channel possibilities, and
finally decided her flesh is sort of airy, so did LV+. she felt soooo good and had more “mmph” after that. like her
being had more of some strength from a solid tree.