Translation of the classics

Donley: July 21, 2019, 3:13pm
Hello everyone,
I’ve been wondering lately what “the best” translations of the classics are currently out there. Anyone have their
favorites they would like to share? I’m about to take the dive into them.

Tobydaly1: July 24, 2019, 1:38pm
Hi Donley,
Unschuld is kind of our premier sinologist in CM, so I would highly recommend his translations of the Su Wen,
Ling Shu, and Nan Jing. Consider starting with his intro to the Nei Jing – “Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen: Nature,
Knowledge, Imagery in an Ancient Chinese Medical text”.
Sabine’s translation (and her thoughts about her translation) of Su Wen Chapter 5 is excellent – “Humming With
Lorraine Wilcox recommends this translation of the Yi Jing:
Huang, A. (1998). The Complete I Ching. Inner Traditions: Rochester, VT.
I got a lot out of:
Moran, E. & Yu, J. (2002). The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the I Ching. Alpha Books: Indianapolis, IN
I recommend when you’re reading any classic text for the first time to try and move as quickly as possible through
it. Don’t get stuck anywhere. If a section is boring or confusing just move on. Of course you can linger a little on
anything that really grabs your attention.

Donley: July 24, 2019, 2:39pm
Thank you Toby,
I was leaning toward Unschuld, but wanted to be sure before the significant investment of time and money just to
learn that someone else’s work was better. I’ve ordered Nature, Knowledge, Imagery per your suggestion.
I’ll check out the others as well. And thanks for the advise. I’ll try to keep it in mind.17/01/2024, 12:05Translation of the classics – Qiological Community