Thanks for the crash and burn class yesterday!

empiricalpoint: August 28, 2022, 3:39pm
Two important take-aways for me. To hear a clarification of when a treatment caused or doesn’t cause an adverse
event. Having this concept tightened up was helpful. It was also really nice to be able to connect to a case where a
patient is inherently weak. In my experience, I am always looking for that “big” relaxation and shift in complaint.
However, that doesn’t necessarily happen, in weaker patients with multiple channel gaps. What was the
overarching signal that you are doing positive for the patient? They return year after year because they embody a
better and stronger state.
However, clinically you were never rewarded with a “BIG SA’AM” moment.
Thank you Toby for sharing these cases! Your willingness to allow us to accompany you on the travels of the good,
bad and ugly elevates us all as practitioners!

mariayung: September 1, 2022, 10:20pm
Please do share what you’ve learned about when a treatment caused or doesn’t cause an adverse event. I would
love to improve my knowledge about this concept as well. Thank you!