Daniel: August 21, 2020, 1:20am
6 months of daily severe back and leg pain Opioids could not even slightly touch – one Sa’Am treatment and its
gone – for a whole week.
sweiz: August 21, 2020, 1:55pm
You rock!
Sa’am rocks!
Want to tell us what you did and why?
Daniel: August 21, 2020, 3:48pm
Hi Sharon
55 year old woman.
SEVERE low back pain since January (8 months)
wakes her up repeatedly at night
Nothing has touched the pain, not even opioids.
She is HOT all the time and always has been
She is used to a very hyper lifestyle, active, gym workouts, etc
She is very sweaty very easily
She loves sweets, BUT she is very slender (so high metabolism)
she has swollen painful joints in fingers
several times a year, she gets bilateral red, hot, itchy patches in the Lung 3-4 , LI 14 areas
has never been pregnant (‘infertility – idiopathic’)
very ‘symmetrical’
her pain is situated in the very low back – like at the Bladder 26-27-28 level, bilaterally
First treatment – cool down all that heat!!! (and Bladder channel pain)
Did Right Bladder supplementation
got off the table stunned that the pain was gone12/01/2024, 12:28Sa’Am Beats Out Opioids . . – Qiological Community
came back a week later reporting her pain was 95% gone all week
and the swelling in her joints was also largely gone
and she felt much cooler