Lukaswolfacu: February 10, 2020, 9:32pm
I just called Sun Ten because I’ve been trying to get a hold of some Ma Huang formulas for a while. I just assumed
the clinics I’m working at were lazy in their restocking. They told me since December 2019 basically that there is a
new ban on Ephedra. WTF!?
I’m so sick of this war on our medicine. What can we do to fight this? What “peer-reviewed scientific literature”
are they referencing that is still trying to rain on our parade?! Has there ever been a case where an acupuncturist
killed someone from prescribing Ma Huang? I’m honestly asking because I’ve never heard of one and it seems
misguided to me to continue to restrain the tools of OUR medicine when WE have never misused it! There are
videos online of doctors misusing acupuncture needles and causing pneumothorax but they are still authorized to
use OUR needles!! Isn’t that a double standard!?!
Fumingly yours,
amyjenner: February 11, 2020, 1:21am
try jade mountain. I buy it 8 bottles at a time.