Eyes from the observation class

KristinWisgirda #1February 1, 2021, 8:49pm
Just thought it might be fun to look at most of the eyes in one place and compare your perceptions with T’s
evaluations. Which are bright/piercing/boring into you/open? Which are dull/closed/reserved/shielded?

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Shanlarson: February 1, 2021, 9:48pm
This is great. I just finished that class and I understand the brightness to a point but sometimes I had a hard time
#1 dull
#2 bright
#3 bright
4 bright
#5 bright
6 dull
#7 dull
8 dull
9 I feel like Toby said super dull and shielded and I
thought bright and boring. I’m not sure if I can
articulate why.
10 seems like a mix. Left dull right bright
11 dull
12 dull
(I’m not sure why some things are bolded when I posted this)09/01/2024, 11:53Eyes from the observation class – Qiological Community

KristinWisgirda: February 1, 2021, 10:44pm
T’s take on #9 is extremely shielded. The rest match up with your interpretations.

Shanlarson: February 1, 2021, 10:58pm
Yes. I remember him saying that but I think I have a harder time distinguishing it in brown eyes. If I compare it to
#5 I can see it but looking at them alone it’s harder for me. I think I will need to cultivate this skill.
KristinWisgirda #5February 2, 2021, 2:21am
The more I look, the more I realize that I can get thrown off by the person’s expression.
Just made to T. His response is in bold italics.
<The bright eyes have clearer, richer, more vibrant colors. The dull eyes have muddier, cloudier colors as if irises
are denser. Will this approach mislead me?>
No, those are good things to consider. The most reliable question for me is – Are their eyes piercing into me?

Shanlarson: February 2, 2021, 3:18am
Thanks Kristin.
The dull eyes have muddier, cloudier colors as if irises are denser.
That’s what I see as well. That helps give clarity.

empiricalpoint: February 3, 2021, 9:25pm
An interesting thing with eyes, in clinic, is when you observe people who have had cataract surgery. You get the
glint and sparkle reflected back to you of the new replacement lens. They remark how much brighter and vibrant
the world is. Makes me think that their shielding has been somewhat removed. An ophthalmological SJ treatment!
sfink #8February 4, 2021, 10:35pm09/01/2024, 11:53Eyes from the observation class – Qiological Community
This week I had 2 patients with slightly dull blue eyes and dilated pupils. Both responded so beautifully to sj+ and
it made sense to me that the dilated pupils are trying to bring more light into the body.