Tobydaly1: April 30, 2021, 10:47pm
“In concrete terms, a disease that manifests on the left side must be treated from the other side in order to form a
pair. Treating the left by means of the right and treating the right by means of the left conforms to the vital
principle of grasping both sides, and it is only when we apply this principle that we can achieve the goal of
stimulating the vital healing forces residing in the center.”
“Why does the Nei Jing refer to this type of treatment method as ‘skillful action’? And yet, when we look at the
status quo of acupuncture clinics today, most practitioners needle the left when the disease is on the left…
Nevertheless, according to the guidance of the Nei Jing, this sort of intervention most definitely does not qualify as
‘skillful action’! Therefore, such a treatment will yield less than satisfactory results. And even more importantly,
this kind of clinical approach results in only grasping one side, and this one-sidedness makes it difficult to affect
the body’s self-healing forces residing in the center. And when we are unable to reach and thus involve the center,
the clinical outcome is easy to imagine.”
Daniel: May 1, 2021, 12:32am
This is so great. My patients ask me all the time . . . ‘my problem is on the left, why are you putting the needles in
on the right?’ My most common answer – is that we are harnessing the healthy side of their body to assist with the
ailing side. This offers a different perspective than that – ‘stimulating the vital healing forces that reside in the
center’ . . . I will have to add that to my clinical repertoire!!
Daniel: May 1, 2021, 12:36am
I had my most challenging Left-Right case ever yesterday. 75 year old man – – – coming for a kind of restless leg
(but painful at times) on his right side that wakes him up through the night many times. You would think, whatever
I choose to do, needle on the Left . . . . BUT . . . . 20 years ago, he was in a brutal motorcycle accident, they nearly
amputated his LEFT LEG but they managed to save it . . . its quite a mess even 20 years later – full of scars,
deformations, strange swellings here and there . . . . so even though his ‘main complaint’ is on the Right, his Left
has FAR MORE trauma history and is full of vestiges of that . . . a tough clinical decision which side is the more
‘ailing’ side? Clinic is definitely HARD.
cassiopeia: May 1, 2021, 2:14am
08/01/2024, 14:17Excerpt from *The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Transmission of Acupuncture* by Liu Lihong – Qiological Community
isn’t this the part of clinic when you just do a coin toss to pick your side?
michaelmax: May 1, 2021, 8:01pm
This is so great. My patients ask me all the time . . . ‘my problem is on the left, why are you putting the needles
in on the right?’
I tell my patients it’s like cracking a whip. There is more power generated at the end of the whip, and that is why I
put needles in the right side to treat the left, that way more effect goes to the left side.
Daniel: May 2, 2021, 7:25pm
ha! that’s a good one . . .
another one I have used on occasion . . . . and when appropriate . . . ‘we are robbing Peter to pay Paul’ . . . not so
crazy about the ‘robbing’ part but it has sprung from my lips on occasion . . .