Covid-19 resources

KristinWisgirda: March 16, 2020, 11:59pm
Here are some of the resources I have accessed so far. Please feel free to add to the list.
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Report from the Front Line in Wuhan |
Dr. Liu Lihong reports from the front lines of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
in Wuhan, China, including offering insight into the pathology and possible treatment
There are other articles about covid-19 on Heiner’s website as well. Go back to the home page to find them.
This is an article Sharon Weizenbaum wrote:
Working with Acute Respiratory Issues: A Different Perspective – White Pine…
I’d like to offer a slightly different perspective on treating patients who may get ill from this
rapidly spreading virus. Keep in mind that I’ve not seen any patients with this particular virus so
my thoughts are theoretical. At the same…
The rest of this post is a case shared in the whitepinehealingarts Yahoo group:
COVID-19 Case treated in He Chuan Community Hospital, Yong Xin county, in Jiang Xi province, by Dr. Zuo Jian
Female 21 years old
After returning from Wuhan two days prior, the patient developed a fever and cough and was sent to the hospital
for isolation and treatment on January 24th, 2020. A CT scan and nucleic acid testing confirmed a COVID-19
pneumonia infection. She was given antipyretic and antiviral medication for 7 days but the fever remained and her
health declined rapidly. 1st consultation, January 31st , she consulted with a Chinese medicine doctor and
stopped taking western medicine.
Symptom analysis according to syndrome:15/01/2024, 16:30Covid-19 resources – Qiological Community
Tai yang Shang han syndrome : High fever of 39.7°C, aversion to cold without sweating and soreness of the
Shao yang syndrome : Dry cough, poor appetite.
Yang ming syndrome : Thick white sputum, irritability, constipation, dry mouth, dark urine, thick greasy yellow
tongue coating.
Diagnosis : Three yang concurrent syndrome.
Formula : Xiao Chai Hu Jia Shi Gao Tang plus Ge Gen Tang and Xing ren, Huo xiang, Lu gen
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Shao yang Yang ming formula : Xiao Chai Hu Jia Shi Gao Tang.
Ingredients : Chai hu 24g, Huang qin 9g, Sheng jiang 15g, Fa ban xia 15g, Da zao 10g, Sheng gan cao 8g, Shi gao
Dang shen was replaced by Lu gen 30g.
Tai yang formula : Ge Gen Tang Jia Xing ren and Huo xiang.
Ingredients: Ma huang 15g, Gui zhi 12g, Bai shao 15g, Ge gen 30g, Xing ren 10g, Huo Xiang 10g.
First follow up : On the next day (February 1st) her temperature was 36.2°C, her vitality was much better, and the
sleep was recuperative.
Remaining: Dry cough with occasional white phlegm, passing stools 3 times a day with mild sweating, red tongue
with sticky white coating.
Understanding : The sweating began and reduced the fever. Shi gao also reduced the internal heat.
Diagnosis : Three yang Tai yin concurrent syndrome
Shao yang formula : Xiao Chai Hu Tang : Chai hu 15g, Huang qin 9g, Fa ban xia 15g. (Dang shen was omitted)
Tai yang Tai yin Yang ming formula : Hou Po Ma Huang Tang: Hou po 15g, Ma huang 10g, Shi gao 20g, Xing
ren 10g, Gan jiang 10g, Xi xin 6g, Wu wei zi 10g.
Plus Fu xiao mai 30g, Huo xiang 10g, Qiang huo 10g, Yi yi ren 30g.
Second follow up on February 4th : The cough greatly improved and was only occasional, scant viscous phlegm,
mild sweating, no other symptoms, red tongue with white greasy coating. She tested negative for COVID-19.
Formula : Xiao Chai Hu Tang plus Hou Po Ma Huang Tang Jia Yi yi ren, Huo xiang, Fu xiao mai, Cang zhu, Chen
Ingredients : Chai hu 15g, Huang qin 10g, Hou po 10g, Ma huang 7g, Sheng shi gao 20g, Xing ren 10g, Fa ban
xia 15g, Gan jiang 6g, Xi xin 3g, Fu xiao mai 30g, Huo xiang 10g, Yi yi ren 30g, Cang zhu 10g, Chen pi 20g.15/01/2024, 16:30Covid-19 resources – Qiological Community
Analysis : This combination of formula is focused on warming the interior and expelling the stagnation of cold
dampness in the upper and the middle, while nourishing body fluids and digestion. The patient continued taking
Jing Fang formulas for the following week according to the changing symptoms.
On the fifth follow up, on February 10th : A Chest CT scan confirmed the lungs were normal without any signs
of pneumonia, and all other symptoms resolved. She was released from the hospital and given Xiao Chai Hu Tang
plus Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang plus Shan yao and Yi yi ren.
Ingredients : Chai hu 10g, Huang qin 12g, Fa ban xia 15g, Dang shen 15g, Gan cao 6g, Gan jiang 10g, Huang lian
4g, Cang zhu 15g, Shan yao 20g, Yi yi ren 30g. 6 packs.
Follow up on February 24th: No recurrence of symptoms, and a second lung CT scan confirmed no viral
infection. She was given 7 packs of Chai Hu Gui Zhi Tang plus Ge gen to address the tight neck and harmonize the

michaelmax: March 17, 2020, 1:48pm
If you’re on Facebook, this is a good discussion with Steve Clavey.
pattycakes #3March 17, 2020, 1:53pm
Thanks Kristin, this helps dispel some of the fear around what is coming, and how to deal with it! Too bad Ma
Huang is persona non grata in the US.

KristinWisgirda: March 17, 2020, 9:30pm
This is a link to a case study of a patient treated by Dr Jin Zhao, a Qiological guest:
From Critical Condition To A Clear CT Scan: Integrative Medicine
vs. COVID-19…
By Dr. Jin Zhao, PhD. Dr. Jin Zhao is a professor at Chengdu University of TCM. He
is the 5th generation of Chinese medicine doctor in the family. He has been seeing
COVID-19 patients from Wuhan with telemedicine and has helped over 100 patients….
2 Likes15/01/2024, 16:30Covid-19 resources – Qiological Community

lauramcgraw: March 17, 2020, 11:04pm
I treated my first Covid-19 case this week.
Patient is 32 and has bad asthma. She was referred by another acupuncturist who does not do herbs. I did a phone
consult with tongue pictures.
she had a taiyang yangming pattern, more yangming with a feeling of an elephant on her chest, panting with dry
cough to the point of vomiting, waking up in the night in coughing fits, no phlegm. I gave her Mahuang she gan
tang for 3 days, she slept through the night and felt a lot better. Then started taking oral steriods from her MD as
she was scared and got a lot worse, big fever, big thirst and big sweat with dry cough tongue tip turned really red
with yellow coating. I gave her Bai Hu tang with gua lou, xing ren, hou po. Today she said the big fever is down,
and not as thirsty. I was going to add ren shen if her thirst continued. She still has a heavy chest but is not dry
coughing to the point of vomiting.
I have to say it’s everywhere here in Portland. People are being diagnosed with a negative flu test and told, you
have Covid-19. The only tests are in the ICU. The numbers are false out there, I just got a text from another patient
today of 2 other cases for me to treat. Feeling overhwhelmed and hoping my herbal skills are good enough.

lauramcgraw: March 17, 2020, 11:06pm
Sorry that should say Ma xing she gan tang!

KristinWisgirda: March 18, 2020, 12:08am
Thanks for sharing Laura.
It was interesting to read in the Elotus doc that the doctor had comments against using steroids in both cases. She
felt that the second case stayed needed a longer hospitalization because of steroid use.
I had a facetime consult with a patient today. She’s a massage therapist in the epicenter of covid-19 in this region.
Her doctor told her to stay home and only to come in if her symptoms became problematic. The doctor didn’t
encourage testing because she is young and relatively healthy. This reinforces what Laura mentioned- the numbers
are wrong.
On the call, she reported that symptoms of dry cough, malaise, overheating (but no thermometer fever) were mild
over the last 3 days. Her tongue coating was unusually thick but dry. She also had urgent bowel movements and
some mild abdominal cramping. 2 hours later she wrote saying that her chest was suddenly very congested and her
cough was ramping up. I gave her a combo of ma xing shi gan tang and a mash up of san ren tang + wei jing tang.
1 Like15/01/2024, 16:30Covid-19 resources – Qiological Community

michaelmax: March 18, 2020, 1:49am
@lauramcgraw thanks so much for this. Very clear and helpful.
Like @KristinWisgirda I’ve read that use of steroids makes this worse. (makes me wonder how many people die
of Covid-19 and how many die from the treatment)
Great that you could catch the shift to a yangming channel presentation and pivot to the Bai Hu Tang modified.
As to the numbers. Of course they are dramatically under reported as there is such little testing. Interesting that
“negative flu” test with flu/covid symptoms is how they are going about it. Makes sense, sounds like the
conventional medicine community is doing what they can in the face of shortages. So glad this patient was open to
your help. This really is a place we can offer some assistance.
By the way… raw herbs… granules? What are you using?

lauramcgraw: March 18, 2020, 4:33am
I’m using granules. I have two more covid-19 cases tomorrow through phone and text, so wishing I could use
Sa’am with herbs! My practice is shut down at the moment as I am doing my part in Social distancing. The steroids
were a huge problem, she almost went to the ER in the middle of the night as she couldn’t breathe and her fever

michaelmax: March 18, 2020, 3:30pm
Given the way the symptoms changed with the steroids it sounds like they create some kind of stagnation in the
yangming. Really helpful for all of us to be on our toes about how each patient might respond to steroids. And
Laura please keep us posted on the new cases you see, and if you see further issues with steroids blocking the
yangming qi

lauramcgraw: March 18, 2020, 3:32pm
will do. Trying to figure out this telemedicine paradigm. Any thoughts?

michaelmax: March 18, 2020, 3:34pm
Oddly enough I was just thinking this morning if there is a way I can leverage what I’ve learned from podcasting in
the past five years and use that to help our colleagues move into the digital world.15/01/2024, 16:30Covid-19 resources – Qiological Community
In answer to your question… maybe. But I find my best ideas only ripen in dialogue. How about a phone
conversation later today or tomorrow?

lauramcgraw: March 18, 2020, 3:36pm
sure sounds good.
Im free after 3.30 pm today pacific time.

michaelmax: March 18, 2020, 3:40pm
Cool. I’ll ping you then.
Stay safe!

lauramcgraw: March 18, 2020, 4:16pm
American Acupuncture council is having a live talk about telemedicine on facebook in 45 minutes!
American Acupuncture Council
JOIN the American Acupuncture Council for another exciting episode of TO THE POINT as Dr.
Sam Collins of American Acupuncture Council and American Acupuncture Council Network
presents: Telehealth…
Daniel #16March 18, 2020, 4:51pm
Coronavirus Blog Number 3, by Ann Cecil-Sterman
Coronavirus Blog Number 3, by Ann Cecil-Sterman
KristinWisgirda #17April 1, 2020, 11:00am15/01/2024, 16:30Covid-19 resources – Qiological Community
For those of you who do not subscribe to The Lantern, here is a link to a free issue about treating epidemic disease:

joymayi: April 1, 2020, 9:38pm
Re the steroid use, Dr. Song Baishan always emphasis intravenous infusion and antibiotic are cold in nature,
excessive use will cause cold and impair body fluid moving, therefore cause further dampness (on top of the
dampness virus caused). That’s why in the eLotus article, she also said they were strictly controlling how much
fluid injected into the patient body, but that was in a so-called “Chinese and western integrative medicine
hospital”… Like @michaelmax said, wonder how many is die from treatment…