Daniel: December 29, 2020, 12:09pm
I am closing out 2020 with a series of clinical humility experiences (clinic is hard!) . . . . 4 or 5 cases through late
November into and through December – all ones I felt reasonably ‘confident’ I could help – lots of textbook signs
and symptoms – and none of them responded to treatment at all – even after I rolled out the ‘obvious’ plan A and
plan B treatments and moved into the more outside-the-box plan C treatments. Cases like these are truly
(and the ‘bipolar experience’ of having one patient one hour whose response has been truly radical and
transformative, effusing with awe and gratitude and then one patient the next hour who ‘should’ be responding and
just is not at all)
“Did I miss something?”
“Were they actually responding, just underreporting and in need of more treatment?”
“Was there something in the way? If so, what?”
“Does Sa’Am just not work at all for some cases?” “If so, why?, its SO powerful for so many cases!”
ngmatthews: October 4, 2021, 5:15pm
Thanks so much Daniel. I identify so much with what you say. I’ve been in practice nearly 30 years and am
presented daily with terrible health situations where people are desperate. I try all my “tricks” from all the many
teachers I’ve studied with, including and always Saam. Sometimes I cannot help people. Occasionally it is because
they have not told me all the details and there is something they are doing to undermine improvement.
Occasionally I am distracted or thinking incorrectly, and misdiagnose. Occasionally they are just on too much
medication and their diet is so poor and general health so poor that it is hard to make much of a change for them.
This breaks my heart every day. And still they come. Years ago my dad, a top gastroenterologist in the US, told me,
“never blame yourself when the patient has not gotten better and you’ve done all you know.” At the time I thought
those were harsh words. He was around the age I am now, with 35 years of clinical experience behind him. I do
think that in Western biomedicine there are a lot more clinical protocols that are very research based, and our
medicine is much more of an art. And this makes it so painful. You and I and many of our colleagues have studied
with the top practitioners in the country and still we don’t produce the results our desperate patients are hoping for.
It is so painful. We always question ourselves and try to find what we could have done better, done differently.
Meanwhile more and more people cross our threshold, giving themselves to the adventure and experiment that
clinical work always is. It can be emotionally exhausting. But there is nothing we’d rather be doing. Bless you and
all our colleagues who tread this path.
4 Likes10/01/2024, 13:09Closing 2020 With Clinically Induced Humility – Qiological Community
Adina_Kletzel: January 4, 2021, 9:47pm
All I can say Daniel is that you are not alone.
I am slowly realizing that Sa’am can’t be ‘figured out’. As much as we can try to rely on logic and what should
work, logic just does not always work. All we can do is be with what is, try and learn from it and keep on plowing
I find that the more I try to just go with the flow of Sa’am the more it allows me to ride its wave.
It requires daily work on patience, letting go, and trust in the system and trust in the powers Above.
I bless us all that the new year allows us to open our minds wider and be able to see more deeply into this
wonderful system that we were all blessed to learn and use.
sfink: January 6, 2021, 5:39am
I really appreciate you starting this thread Daniel. Those are great questions you posed at the end. Clinic is so hard
and every time I seem to be on a roll, there’s always a good ego pummeling around the corner. Today was such a
discouraging day for me in clinic that I had to just step away from Sa’am for a few patients. Well, maybe just 1 or 2
but maybe I should have stepped away from more considering the largely lackluster results of the day. It’s the
promise of the Wower treatment that keeps me from deviating too much, but I hope the results become more
dependable with more experience.
I find that the more I try to just go with the flow of Sa’am the more it allows me to ride its wave.
It requires daily work on patience, letting go, and trust in the system and trust in the powers Above.
I love this Adina. so well said.
KristinWisgirda: January 6, 2021, 3:48pm
I had to just step away from Sa’am for a few patients
I’ve done this recently as well. If I don’t have a clue, I just do something else.
Daniel: January 6, 2021, 10:44pm
10/01/2024, 13:09Closing 2020 With Clinically Induced Humility – Qiological Community
If I don’t have a clue
The thing about most of these cases was . . . . I DID HAVE A CLUE . . . the cases seemed very clear – either one or
two particular channels were clearly implicated or the general ‘qualities’ of the case were presenting strongly,
loudly and clearly or both . . . and yet . . . no response to treatment – even as I progressed through Plans ‘A’, ‘B’
and sometimes ‘C’ . . .