2020 and Gratitude for Sa’Am

Daniel: January 3, 2020, 3:55pm
Happy New Year to Everyone Here. Sometimes things come along just at the right time and in the right way – its
that being in the flow, resonance thing. Last year, this Sa’Am appeared in my clinical life – and wow – it dovetailed
so remarkably well, seamlessly really, with the explorations and inquiries I was making in my own clinical story –
quite remarkable really. So I just drank it all up and benefited so so much from three consecutive livestreamed
weekends with Toby and this whole on line community. I can’t express my gratitude. Thank you Toby. Thank you
Michael. Thank you Kristin. Thank you all of you.
I find in particular the Counterbalanced Pairs that form the bedrock of Sa’Am have an explanatory , clinically
phenomenological AND therapeutic potency unrivalled in my experience – its almost miraculous – the degree to
which its potency resonates with the clinical reality of most of my patients. What I remain somewhat perplexed by
is that this piece is a brilliant synthesis of I Ching, Six Qi and Five Phase (all three) BUT when it comes to the
therapy itself (the treatment strategies and protocols), we slide into very basic NanJing Five Phase dynamics. I
guess I remain surprised and intrigued that the therapeutic protocols do not follow the conceptual bedrock with
some equally synthetic amalgam of I Ching, Six Qi and Five Phase.
Nevertheless, its all quite remarkable
Happy New Year.

michaelmax: January 5, 2020, 6:27am
It’s good to be surprised! And indeed, there is a potency to this perspective. And a kind of simplicity that also
captures a lot of complexity. For me one of the real joys is that once starting to use and glimpse into the system…
the system itself will teach you.
And it’s very helpful having all of you here sharing your insights and observations, and asking your puzzling
questions. I’ve been learning so much from all of you.
So curious to see what the next year brings!